7542 individuals and 1927 organizations have added their names to the declaration.
Organization Signatures
Total Signatures Found: 1927, showing 20 per page
- Syracuse University United States
- SCD Antilles-Guyane Martinique
- Economics Bulletin United States
- Université de Montréal Canada
- Utah Academic Library Consortium United States
- MATRIX: The Center for the Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University United States
- Brown University Library United States
- Université Laval Canada
- Library and Information System of Oldenburg University Germany
- Association of Academic Health Services Libraries United States
- Sleep Research Online United States
- Max Planck Institute fpr Psychological Research Germany
- Association des bibliothécaires français France
- Food and Agriculture Organzation of the United Nations Italy
- Moscow State University Russian Federation
- Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse Libray France
- polylog. Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing Germany
- Medicina (journal) Lithuania
- Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies Canada